Suggested readings week 34/2022

Patent troll
The bad practice of patent trolling is very well known in United States due to a different approach to patenting ideas and lawsuit filing compared to Europe. It's a very serious problem for big corporations and a rising concern for emerging start- and scale-ups. Among the lates targets is Apex.AI (Software Defined Vehicles).
An interesting approach to the problem was started years ago by Cloudflare and is now under consideration by other companies as well.
Learning cryptology
Want to deep dive into cryptology and cryptography? A mathematical and practical approach is given by Prof. Bill Buchanan during his university courses, and the full material used (and much more) is made available here for free.
The Youtube playlist on Cybersecurity with Python is offered by Cyrill Gössi, Security Expert and Lecturer at Roche Diagnostics.
Better designs
At the time there was a lot of “design is subjective”, “design is a matter of taste” bullshit going around. I disagreed. There are better and worse designs.
This is not only for software: engineering and design practices benefit from a clear perspective of what and how, instead of relying on the rules of magic.
Observing earth from space
Copernicus is the European Union's Earth observation programme, looking at our planet and its environment to benefit all European citizens.
July 2022 was one of three warmest Julys on record. Meaning: since we (humans) started recording temperatures.