Suggested readings week 12/2023

Agile transformation for the masses
While considering transitioning to an Agile-styled way of working for a team, it's useful to look at success and failure stories.
One exceptional success was Ericsson years ago: not a small company. Bonus track: the learning culture is part their transformation.
Pasquale Pistorio was CEO at ST Microeletronics (1987-2005) since the beginning of its path to becoming a leading European semiconductors manufacturer. Previsously the italian part of the company was known as Gruppo SGS, already with a long and partially successful history of industrial revolution in this highly complex sector.
This interview (part of a series) is amusing and interesting, revealing a man of solid principles and human relations skills.
Bad news are welcome
Is it me, or social media channels and newspapers are always delivering bad news?
Here we analyse the causal effect of negative and emotional words on news consumption using a large online dataset of viral news stories
Measuring pollution
Air pollution is a major public health problem