Suggested readings week 9/2023

NIST Cybersecurity Framework revisited
The National Institute of Standards and Technology first published in 2014 a Cybersecurity Framework also known as CSF. It provides a well known and widely used set of guidelines and best practices for managing cybersecurity risks in all industries and situations. It's adopted inside and outside the United States as a standard.
NIST has now published the concept paper for the shining new CSF 2.0, and this will change the approach to cybersecurity once again.
There have been changes in cybersecurity standards, including those published by NIST but also elsewhere; there's been significant changes in the risk landscape and in technologies. And so even though the vast majority of our respondents said they still like the framework, there were a number of changes that folks are looking for, and so we thought it was time for us to do a refresh.
Professional decline
Contributing from a professional point of view (to a company, a client, personal growth, whatever) is not something that we can expect to be possible at all ages.
As a child we learn. As an experienced professional we might be able to suggest and coach.
In the bewteen, starting at around 20, we do extraordinary things.
Portable medical scanners
These portable scanners will perhaps transform medical imaging.
Kathryn Keenan is a biomedical engineer at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in United States. While testing a new portable MRI scanner for diagnostics, she was stunned at the results.
Everyone that comes through is superimpressed that it even works.
Feeling good
Preserving natural environment and landscapes makes you healthy.