Suggested readings week 4/2023

Open Hardware
The open-source movement has expanded into hardware.
This is one of the technology predictions contained in the annual report published by IEEE Computer Society.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering describes itself as the trusted voice for engineering, computing, and technology information around the globe, and with reasons being the most important association of professionals and scientists in various fields of engineering advancement. It's divided into so called Societies or groups, and the Computer Society delivers this annual Technology Predictions report. Worth reading as it didn't fail so much in the past.
Fun at work
Have fun reading this essay on the right not to be fun at work.
Everyone working in corporations experienced those boring team building meetings where everyone is supposed to enjoy and have fun in unwanted and barely useful situations. Friendship and collaboration develops in multiple ways, not including those.
Quantum Computing starts here, and the invention of modern database management.
IBM is on the edge of technology and computing with an impact for the humanity: it was the place where Structured Query Language was born and which is at the foundations of any small or big data management application and framework in use today. It's still IBM who leads the race to Quantum Computing for the masses.
Disruptive research results
Disruptive papers, or those that when published lead to dramatic increase in the positive impact of scientific research, are declining in number and quality. Finding the reasons is not easy.