2 min read

Suggested readings week 2/2023

Suggested readings week 2/2023


Great part of the disruption led by famous corporations in Silicon Valley during the last century was due to the existence of an ecosystem that included universities, small but incredibly vigorous startups, extraordinary young scientists and enterpreneurs and - not less important - technology centers.

The most famous and still alive is the Stanford Research Park (born Stanford Industrial Park).

It was born in 1951, from an idea of Stanford University’s Provost and Dean of Engineering Frederick Terman. He already had been teaching to people that later started the seminal semiconductors corporations Fairchild, National Semiconductors and INTEL. He envisioned a University-affiliated business park able to generate income for the University and City of Palo Alto by enabling enterpreneurship among scientists, and after having reserved a large amount of landscape he started putting together interested parties in an intiative today considered the most beautiful technology business center in the World.


Artificial vision for autonomous drive

Huge investments are possible in the automotive industry due to the flow of money coming from a prosperous market of expensive goods: the cars.

Hopefully such high amounts of money will produce benefits to other, less investments-intensive but much more needed sectors like medical and ecology through technology advancements.

Artificial Vision experts are under pressure in the automotive industry for the semi- and full-autonomous drive plans. Now Tesla announced a brand new algorithm named occupancy networks, and (simple as it seems in its foundations) it will be a game changer also in other industries.


Vulnerable cloud systems

Almost all major automotive manufacters caught at fault in their implementations of cloud services for connected cars. You might never notice that some criminal is already stealing private information, and interfering with your personal vehicle.


Thwaites Glacier is melting

And a lot of other glaciers.

